In a world where gun violence continues to plague communities and claim the lives of young individuals, the need for proactive solutions has never been greater. The “Youth Over Guns” initiative is a beacon of hope, working tirelessly to equip our youth with the skills and knowledge they need to choose a different path—one that leads to leadership, resilience, and a brighter future. The Youth Over Guns Initiative: A Glimpse into Transformation Founded by a group of individuals who have personally felt...
Gun violence remains a pressing issue in many communities across the world, causing pain, loss, and fear. While it’s a complex problem, communities have the power to initiate change. Creating a solutions-based community that focuses on gun violence prevention is a proactive and empowering approach. In this blog, we will explore the key steps to build such a community, where individuals can come together to make a positive impact. Awareness and Education The first step in creating a solutions-based community is to...
Greetings everyone Good Morning! As you know my name is Kim Banks and I’m the mother of Samaad Frazier. He lost his life at 19 years old to gun violence on December 31, 2019 on Churchill Ave here in Somerset. He was visiting a friend, He was not a gang member or involved in gang activity, he was just at the wrong place at wrong the time. Life has become so invaluable these days and Gun violence has become so prevalent...