Legends is a unique basketball league that serves young men ages 14 & up. We are a developmental basketball league that combines Sports+Mentorship to teach Life & Leadership Skills on and off the court. We offer skills development twice a week with our partner program Passion 4 Youth Inc, 3League and conditioning training once a week with our partner program Top Dawg Training. Our 15-16U team is coached by our Head Coach Terrence ”TJ” Pittman, a lifelong basketball player, with over 10 years coaching and training experience.
By combining our Legends Mentor program with our basketball league we use a portion of our court time for empowerment workshops and team building sessions that teach conflict resolution, effective communication skills, leadership, responsible decision making, and teamwork.
Our program runs Spring, Summer and Fall seasons, March-November before and after high school basketball. We do not run during the winter season to allow our players to concentrate on their high school teams. We welcome corporate and individual sponsorships to help cut the costs of our program for our families. Click the DONATE button to support our program! For more information please contact us by phone (609)759-0882, or email at maadylegends@gmail.com. Stay connected with us on Social Media look for @maadylegends on Instagram & Facebook.