What is love?

“Love is a set of emotions and behaviors characterized by intimacy, passion, and commitment. It involves care, closeness, protectiveness, attraction, affection, and trust.”

Grief requires LOVE. The love you show yourself when dealing with the loss of a loved one, the love from others who also loved your loved one and the love from those who didn’t know your loved one but who Love You.

There’s a difference between death and grief. Death is an experience of life, grief is the journey through the experience of death. Healing is the process you go through to find acceptance of what is the reality-the person is no longer with you and the pain you feel from losing that loved one. LOVE is the grace you give yourself while dealing with death. Loving yourself through the pain allows you to work through the 7 stages of grief. Especially during the pain and guilt stages, the anger and bargaining stages, and the depression stages. 

My grief journey has taken me to places of healing that I never knew existed. I didn’t know that those areas of my life required healing just to deal with death. Life experiences like childhood trauma, generational family curses, and bad relationship experiences. 

Life experiences come with life traumas. There’s no way to experience one without the other. But how you deal and heal from the hurtful ones determines how you deal with everything in life including death. Death will never be easy for me but I know that it will come no matter what. To accept life you have to accept death. Prepare for death, prepare for a person you love to eventually leave your life through death. Love them, spend time with them, treasure the moments you have, never take any time for granted. Because tomorrow may never come…