My son was killed in an ambush on Churchill Ave in Somerset, NJ by 5 black teenage men on December 31, 2019. There were shots in the double digits but only 2 hit him. The bullets killed him immediately.
Read that again…
The pain I have to live with daily is a pain no other mother should bear. The things I didn’t sign up for as a MOTHER. Things that nobody who hasn’t experienced this could understand…
I can no longer see my son,
I can no longer hear his voice,
I can no longer touch him,
I can no longer see his smile,
I can no longer see him grow,
His life was stopped short at 19 years old. His only accomplishments were basketball and a high school graduation.
The thoughts I have, the things I wished I could change, the memories good and bad, the fact that I didn’t see him on Christmas Day in 2019 because he had to work and I was in the hospital with Samaad’s older brother Jamal because I found him unresponsive and he almost passed away. For the 5 days Jamal was in the hospital Samaad didn’t come by because he didn’t want to see his brother like that. It was too painful. We spoke on FaceTime December 31 at 7:30am. By 3:26pm he was dead, gone…..I would never hear him speak again. I would only see him to identify his dead body in the hospital.
And so it began, my life as a Mom of a Murdered Son….
Lisa D.